Hi there.

I'm Alan.

I'm a qualified personal trainer who is mad passionate about sports, fitness and health. I'm fascinated with the wonders of the human body and its amazing capabilities.

I’ve been involved in and passionate about physical health & wellbeing for as long as I can remember. From competing in track and field at representative level as a teenager, through to becoming heavily involved in football (managing, coaching and playing) from my twenties through to today.

Taking a very holistic approach to health and wellbeing, I have come to recognise the strong correlation between a healthy body and a sound mind through physical fitness.

I love designing programs which incorporate functional mobility, allowing clients to carry their training into everyday life and build on their strength and wellbeing.

I am proficient in developing muscle strength and resistance training, agility and plyometrics.

I am here to help people achieve their personal health and wellbeing goals through mentoring, coaching and a well thought out tailored program.

Allow me to guide you to a more energetic you.